
Allianz MiCo Milano

With 65 breakout rooms  and 50,000 square metres of exhibition space, Allianz MiCo is the largest convention center in Europe. Managed by Fiera Milano Congressi, since 1994 it has been home to major international associations and corporate events organised by the world’s most important companies, which choose it for the quality of its structure and services.

Its location in the City Life district, in the center of Milan, makes it the ideal venue for Salotto.

How to get there

The reserved entrance for MIX Salotto 2025 is GATE 3 on Viale Eginardo 29, Milano

By public transport

Metro Line 5 stop Portello

Train FNM Milano Domodossola + 7′ walk

By car

Paid on-site Parking Portello Fiera – Piazza Gino Valle + 6′ walk


Meliá Milano
***** stars
Via Masaccio 19, Fiera Milano – City Life, 20149 Milano
7′ walk
Château Monfort
***** stars
Corso Concordia, 1, 20129 Milano
20′ by car
Via Bartolomeo Colleoni, 14, 20149 Milano
5′ walk
Via Guglielmo Silva, 12, 20149 Milano
5′ walk
Corso Sempione 91, Fiera Milano – City Life, 20149 Milano
12′ walk
Via Caldera, 3, 20153 Milano
10′ by car | 20′ by underground M5
Corso Monforte, 27, 20122 Milano
20′ by car
Hotel Montebianco
**** stelle
Via Monte Rosa, 90, 20149 Milano MI
8′ walk